Group counseling offers an individual the chance to see how others see you, to learn from the stories of others, and to feel the validation that comes from knowing you are not alone in your experience.



Though this group is currently on hiatus while I refine the offering, there will be a second round of sessions beginning in fall 2023. The nature of the group is to provide support and an empathic space within which new fathers can share their experience of child birth, fatherhood, and their new family system, which often ushers in a host of changes, both large and small. From practical concerns (How will I ever sleep and resume work?), to relational ones (I miss intimacy with my partner, but don’t feel like it’s an option), to historical ones (Why am I struggling with my child’s emotional expression? What does this say about how I may have been parented?), we will explore the challenges, expressions, and opportunities for growth that beginning a family may introduce.

There is no human deed or thought that lies fully outside the experience of other people.
— Irvin D. Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy


  • The group will meet once a month on weekend days for 90 minutes, in person and at a consistent location. Please arrive a few minutes early to each session

  • Group counseling fees are based on a sliding scale of $40-$75, which is income-dependent. Fees are due at the end of each meeting, and can be paid via Venmo, cash, or check

  • Confidentiality is crucial; anything said during group remains within the group

  • The dignity of each group member will be honored; hostility, violence, hazing, or other destructive behaviors will not be tolerated

  • Being sober for the meeting is a condition of participation—members who appear intoxicated will be asked to leave

  • Attendance is not mandatory, but consistency is a key component to building rapport, trust, and relationship; members are encouraged to attend each meeting

  • Leaving phones on silent is highly recommended; getting support from your partner to attend without interruption is one opportunity for growth

  • Arrive ready and know all parts of you will be welcomed

Group Meeting Location: Taborspace. 5441 SE Belmont St. Portland, OR 97215

Download the group meeting agreements here: Center for Courage and Renewal Touchstones.


All photography provided by Full Send Media, and Matty Byloos.